The Big Three
It's officially been three years since Joey's transplant. How that is possible, I cannot say, but here we are. All three of us. In my last post , I shared about IVF and our pregnancy and how it was related to the transplant story... in the sense that we couldn't easily pursue parenthood in the midst of liver failure. In the 2 year anniversary post , I shared what I could remember about the immediate aftermath of the successful surgery and I'm hoping to document a bit more about the month that followed. It was always the plan to have Lauren come out and stay with us post-transplant (she was our designated positive spirit after all). I spent my days at the hospital with Joey and my nights at home with Lauren until February 9th when Joey was discharged and I could spend my days and nights with both of them! Joey sent us a series of texts that said, "bring your masks bring your masks bring your notes bring your best attitudes" before we picked him up from the hos...